Sunday, 24 November 2019

End of week 6 and Xmas is coming!

The last two weeks have been very busy working on our reading, maths, writing and phonics. The children in Room 1 have been working hard on their handwriting skills. More children have progressed to Independent Handwriting, they have to complete set differentiated, independent handwriting tasks, to a good standard before moving to the next level. You can see the pride they take in their work by how focused they are.

They also enjoy playing phonic games after their handwriting tasks are complete.

Tiaan and Isla match up the upper and lower case letters.

Elizabeth finds the correct letters for her board.

Lincoln, Brooke and Renae are playing a memory sound game.

This week was the build up for Rooms 1 and 2 to visit to the Kiwi Creche. We were going to go on Wednesday. Sadly the weather didn't come to the party, so we were keeping our fingers crossed for Friday.
Friday dawned full of promise. The children were very excited when we all got together in Room 1 for getting sorted into groups. 

Once sorted, it was into the cars and off to meet Jo and the Kiwis.

Jo gave us all a talk on how to behave around the kiwi and what we might see, then off we went over the grass and into the bush.

When Jo found one of the kiwis, she showed us what information she gathered each time she checked on the kiwis.

First she did a visual check on the overall look of the bird, 

the kiwi didn't look to fussed by it's audience!

Then Jo took measurements of the kiwi's beak,

then popped it into a bag to weight it.

after all her jobs were done, Jo snipped the little ties she had put around the kiwi's legs (to stop it kicking Jo with it's strong legs),

carefully picked it up,

and slipped it back into it's burrow.

What a day! Everyone had a great time and learnt heaps about kiwis!
Looking forward to lots of great writing and artwork about kiwis!
That's all for the moment.

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