What a rush to the end of the year!
Mrs Wallace worked with Room 1 on some Christmas art. They made amazing Christmas Trees to take home.
Then they made some really cool Christmas decorations with beads that were melted together.
Room 1 and 2 went to visit the Kiwi Creche as part of our topic. We then made a Kiwi burrow from 'Cup a soup' boxes. We painted them brown, then glued in some wood shavings. The tricky bit was making a kiwi and its' egg from modelling clay to go in the burrow.
They do look very cool!
The first week of December was time to put up the new class christmas tree. The children were excited to see the decorations and lights.
We then set to work making some decorations of our own along with some cool cards.
Our Christmas trees,
Our very special reindeer christmas cards,
For these cards we used black paper, glue and sequins.
We even made our own gift bags!
We used wax crayon and dye to do patterns on our bags, then Mrs A folded them into bags.
Then we put on lots of glue and glitter to make them pretty!
Our last activity for our topic was to make a 'bee hotel'.
We cut some bamboo into short pieces. Then made them into a bundle which we pushed into some plasticine, in the bottom of a cup.
Then we pushed some more plasticine around the top of the cup to hold the bamboo.
Next we made a little sign so the bees would know where to go for a rest.
Out into the school orchard we went to find a good place to put our bee hotel.
We have had a fantastic year and we are looking forward to a good rest over the summer.
Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year!