Monday, 26 June 2017

Firewise Fire Station Visit

We had been learning about being 'Firewise'. We have completed and are continuing to complete a series of activities in the classroom to help us know what to do if there was a fire in our house or even our classroom. We learnt that you must...

  • Get down, get low, get out! FAST!! 

  • Have working smoke alarms in your house

  • Never play with matches or lighters and if you find any of these give them to an adult to put them somewhere safe

  • Have a safe meeting place once you get out of your house

Last week we even went to the Ikamatua Fire Station to learn about what firefighters do to help us if there is a fire. We got to look at all of the equipment they need and use. Our most exciting part was getting to sit in the fire engine and when Mrs Whitmore put on the fire siren for us. The siren gave some of us a fright too!!

Friday, 23 June 2017

Kite Making

We watched a video on how to make our very own kites. We had to follow each step carefully to make sure we made a good strong kite that we could fly outside in the wind. 
Here are our finished kites and they flew very well...