Saturday, 24 August 2019

Middle of the term already!!!

The last two weeks have been very busy in Room 1.
Last term the students of Room 1 put out a challenge to all the other classes to keep their bag bays tidy.
Room 1 worked hard checking and making sure their bag bay was clean and tidy. They won the challenge and last week had their mufti day.

Well done Room 1, and they are still doing a great job keeping their bag bay tidy this term.

Some of our students have been learning to count in two's. To start pegs were placed on every second number to help with skip counting in two's.

For strand this term we are learning about probability. One of our activities was predicting tossing a coin. This was great fun trying to guess which way up the coin would fall. 

Our results didn't turn out how we expected them too!

Sharing is up and running again this term with the letters 't' and 'r'. For 't' we had...

A tens frame,

A trolley,


And a toy.

For the letter 'r' we had.....

A ruler,

A remote control,

A red motorbike,

And a racing car.

Room 1 children put a lot of thinking into finding things that start with the letter or blend of the week. Well done Room 1!

Our topic for this term is learning about music and dance. One favourite song is 'Up, up and away in my beautiful balloon', sung by The 5th Dimension. The children made up their own moves and enjoyed dancing around the room pretending to be balloons. This was the motivation for our 3D balloon pictures.

This week was Book Week. We decorated our class door, inside and outside, to relate to our favourite book.

The children had fun going in and out of the 'cat door' at break times. During the week there were stories read at lunch eating time and 'treasure hunts' at playtime (organised by our lovely Jo in the office).

On Wednesday this week we had Wacky Wednesday. The children came to school wearing something wacky. 

Then on Friday we all had to dress up as our favourite book character. Check out the awesome costumes!

Looking forward to sharing more exciting things that are coming in the next two weeks!

Friday, 2 August 2019

Welcome back to Term 3!

Murtle and I are back from our big trip and had such fun being back in class this week!

We did lots of sight seeing in London....

 The London Eye

And met some friends at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum.

In Ireland we visited Sligo Abby ruins and attended a wedding of a family friend. Murtle even got to dance with the bride!

We popped over to France for a couple of nights and saw some more sights..

The Arc de Triomphe

The Eiffel Tower

And what's left of the Notre Dame Cathedral after the big fire!

Then it was back home for a big rest....

This week Room 1 have been getting back into their routines in Reading


and Math.

For topic this term we are working on Music and Dance.
In Music we are looking at using body beat and different sound sources to make music.

In Dance we will be learning about different forms of dance and the language of dance (high, low, transition, glide, up-beat, etc).

Next week Murtle will start his home visits again and it will also be the start of our homework. Our Sharing will start in week 4.

Murtle and I are looking forward to another fun filled term with lots of laughs!